Step by Step Introduction


The whole process of Netswap Launchpad is simplified on V2 as below:

  1. Stake NETT to get wNETT as the ticket to enter Netswap Launchpad(More details about wNETT), 100 wNETT unlocks $600 allocation for the first IDO, and 100 wNETT will only unlock $100 allocation after that.

  2. Use accrued wNETT to deposit equivalent stablecoins into the active event on launchpad

  3. Wait for the launch time to receive new tokens and refunds(if any)

Step 1: Buy NETT on

Go to, click Trade - Swap, select the tokens and the amount you want to swap, then click Swap.

Step 2: Stake NETT to get wNETT

Go to Netswap Launchpad page and find NETT staking, enter the amount of NETT you’d like to stake, then click stake and confirm it on your Metamask wallet.

Step 3: Use your wNETT to deposit equivalent stablecoins

Select the IDO event you want to participate in, click Deposit, enter the amount of stablecoins you want to deposit (equivalent wNETT will be burned at the same time), click approve and confirm the transaction on your Metamask wallet.

Step 4: Receive your tokens and refunds (if any)

Wait for the project token launch time to receive your new tokens, if there’s an over-subscription, you’ll also get refunds (read refunds details from the Launchpad V2 introduction article)

Last updated